Current Issue

Infotheca, Journal for Digital Humanities, is a multidisciplinary journal published biannually in Open Access which publishes original papers that are subject to review by the members of an international Editorial Board.
Number 2(2023) is a thematic number dedicated to the eScience system, a publicly available information system began то њорк in the first quarter of 2023. The system displays current data on accredited scientific research organiyations (NIO), researchers and their scientific results in Serbia. The papers selected for this issue highlight the importance and role of the eScience system in scientific research in Serbia, the technical infrastructure, the role of various library and information systems in Serbia in the process of downloading and displaying information, as well as the role and experience of scientific research institutions.
Theoretical and applicational papers that cover some of the following topics are welcome:
Information Technologies in Humanities
- Literary and Linguistic Computing
- Knowledge Representation
- E-Learning
- Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Library and Information sciences
- Digital Libraries
- Metadata and Standards
- Bibliometrics
- National and International Digitization Projects
Natural Language Technologies
- Lexical Resources, Data, Knowledge Bases
- Language Technologires, Tools, Applications