Issuing the Licenses the Serbian System of Shared Cataloguing COBISS.SR

  • Nataša Dakić University library “Svetozar Marković”


From the beginning of the shared cataloguing
system in Yugoslavia, from 1988 till its disintegration
in 1992, in order to work in shared cataloguing
system, librarians had to go through instructions which
consisted of 5 days course. In Slovenia, conditions for
issuing licenses for shared cataloguing were regulated
in 2001 through the Law on librarianship, and in 2005
enlarged on the bases of the Rules on issuing permission
for shared cataloguing. These Rules includes also
the conditions for suspending the license. In Serbia, from
the establishment of united national bibliographic-information
system COBISS.SR in 2003, license for work in
the shared catalogue is issued to a cataloguer who, after
5 day course, successfully creates 30 records in test
base. In order to increase the quality of the shared base
COBIB.SR it is necessary to establish the Rules for issuing
the permisssion for shared cataloguing, by which
conditions for issuing or suspending the license would
be clearly defined, as well as the rights and obligations
of the partners in shared cataloguing.

How to Cite
DAKIĆ, Nataša. Issuing the Licenses the Serbian System of Shared Cataloguing COBISS.SR. Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1/2, p. 3a-7a, mar. 2024. ISSN 2217-9461. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 july 2024.