Social Media and Its Role in Amplifying a Certain Idea of Beauty
The use of social media is gaining momentum day by day. It has become extremely popular and has set its foot everywhere in society. Social media has influenced people in a lot of different ways but the most prominent one is the standards of beauty. The paper analyses the relationship between social media and its effect on people’s views about their bodies in relation to what they see on social media. And also, how this influence of social media has amplified the use of unrealistic beautification applications and filters among people, especially teenagers and young adults. These applications and filters are photo-editing tools which allow the user to alter their images and make them prettier. These morphed images are unrealistic and can sometimes lead to low self-esteem in young women. A small survey was conducted in which twenty-six young women have participated and shared their views regarding social media experiences. The aim is to study how social media has altered their views about a female body and beauty standards.